Cosmic Witchcraft - Book Faerie

Hi I'm Susan. This blog is a collection of my past, present, and future imaginings, notes, photographs, and writing  that has ...

Wednesday 7 August 2024

The Mister Entity Haunting

I am very excited to be a guest on Supernatural Circumstances this week with Morgan and Mike We discuss the terrifying true haunting of the Moffitt family and Mister Entity, soon to be adapted by Blumhouse films.  

I am happy to go on the record saying I believe this family. The case is one that is deeply weird and mind boggling, but so many elements ring true to me, not only as an investigator of the cosmic mysteries or an occultist, but from my personal experiences growing up in a haunted house with haunted people. 

Read Jessica Moffitt's account and view photos of the destruction here

Have a listen on Spotify or on all podcast platforms. And please do share your thoughts with me in the comments. 

#paranormal #haunting #podcasts #supernatural #ghosts #horror #EvelynPaglini #warrens #poltergeist

Monday 24 June 2024

The Arrival of the Space Fairies

Fairy Rings and Toadstools by Richard Doyle, 1875

Blessed MidSummer 2024 friends! The year has gone by so quickly already and I'm excited to see what the second half of this year has in store. What can I say, I'm an eternal optimist. 

After drinking a nice brew of mugwort tea I made a connection yesterday between the magic of MidSummer eve and the arrival of the modern UFO almost eight decades ago. A connection I know that others have made before, but I thought I would share my thoughts with you here. 

The modern UFO era at least in North America began at MidSummer June 24th 1947 

Image credit Norio F. Hayakawa

Norio shared the image above on the Radio Misterioso Facebook group with the caption: 

"The modern-day era of “Flying Saucers” sighting reports practically started 77 years ago, on June 24, 1947, with still no solution in sight of this mysterious phenomenon !" 

MidSummer in European folklore is a time when the fairy folk are close at hand as they make their procession between our world and theirs. If UFOs are a living folklore for our current space-age era. Jacques Vallee among other scholars noted this in the 1960s-70s than this connection is truly fitting. 

It makes complete sense to me that these mysterious bedeviling space vehicles and their equally enigmatic pilots should enter our western world and imagination on this most auspicious day.  

My own earliest experiences with this phenomenon resembles encounters with elves and dwarves more than modern depictions of greys, so I'm very partial to the interpretation that UFO encounters are an extension of the fairy encounters described for centuries before. 

Flying Fairies Transport a Sleeping Prince Manohar back to His Palace Gulshan-i 'Ishq (Rose Garden of Love) 1743 Artist/maker unknown, Indian  Philadelphia Museum of Art 

 The above image is taken from the story of Gulshan-i Ishq. I found it through a web search for fairies + art + MidSummer and was immediately captivated. It portrays the fairies with stylised triangular wings, and dark, braided hair like temple dancers, beautiful and purposeful.  - Owlcation I am reminded at once of the fairy winds, which blow warm and carry us from our beds into the other realm. I also think of modern extraterrestrial abduction encounters. 

The story which translates to the Rose Garden of Love (roses - sub rosa - hidden knowledge) recounts "a North Indian Hindu love story recast as a Sufi tale for an Islamic court in south-central India. The poet creates a world filled with lush gardens and magical beings as star-crossed lovers face daunting challenges and painful separations before they can live "happily ever after"—a metaphor of the soul’s search for the divine."  Philadelphia Museum of Art 

MidSummer or June 24th is also St John's Day in the Christian calendar. 

St John's Day Bonfire 

"All over Europe "Saint John's fires" are lighted on mountains and hilltops on the eve of his feast. As the first day of summer, Saint John's Day is considered in ancient folklore one of the great "charmed" festivals of the year. Hidden treasures are said to lie open in lonely places, waiting for the lucky finder. Divining rods should be cut on this day. Herbs are given unusual powers of healing, which they retain if they are plucked during the night of the feast. In Germany they call these herbs Johanneskraut (St. John's herbs), and people bring them to church for a special blessing. In Scandinavia and in the Slavic countries it is an ancient superstition that on Saint John's Day witches and demons are allowed to roam the earth. As at Halloween, children go the rounds and demand "treats," straw figures are thrown into the flames, and much noise is made to drive the demons away." - Source: Catholic Culture 

As I ponder  the connection between UFOs, magic, fairies and the soul on this MidSummer in a mugwort tea haze, I cannot help but think that the ultimate message behind the UFO experience is that no matter where our life paths may take us or on our search for answers to these cosmic mysteries -  we are not and we never have been alone. 

Wishing whoever reads this a blessed Summer or Winter season filled with magic xx 

Thursday 15 February 2024

The Toronto Tunnel Monster

A digital sketch of the creature based on artist’s rendition of the witness description. Created by the author’s daughter Stephanie Darroch in 1999. 

 It was a warm summer’s day in August of 1978 when a Toronto man had an experience with a strange creature that would forever change his life. Ernest was described as a soft-spoken fifty-one years old at the time of his harrowing experience. 

Ernest and Barbara his wife of nineteen years had been raising a litter of kittens, when one of the kittens disappeared. Thinking the kitten had gotten outside and concerned for its safety he decided to search for it in the vicinity of their Parliament street apartment.

Close to the apartment he stumbled upon the opening to a small dark “cave” and he crawled approximately ten feet inside. This is where he said, “I saw a living nightmare that I’ll never forget.”

Only armed with a flashlight Ernest encountered a creature of unknown origin. He described the monster as “long and thin, almost like a monkey, three ft long, large teeth, weighing maybe thirty lbs with slate-grey fur.” However it was the eyes that truly stood out “orange and red, slanted.”

Ernest who would only allow for his first name to be printed spoke reluctantly with reporters as to what occurred next. 

The creature spoke to him. “I’ll never forget it,” he said. “It said, ‘Go away, go away,’ in a hissing voice. Then it took off down a long tunnel off to the side. I got out of there as fast as I could. I was shaking with fear.”

Ernest never approached the media with his story. He was afraid that people would think that he was “drunk” or worse “crazy” and felt that no one would ever believe him. 

The Toronto Sun newspaper found him after hearing about his experience from a reliable contact who worked with a relative of Ernest, one of the handful of people to who he had confided in about his experience. 

“I believe Ernie saw exactly what he says he did”, said Ernest’s wife Barbara. “He was terrified when he came back to the apartment and he doesn’t scare easily. “Look he’s been known to have a drink in the past - like most people and to occasionally tie one on, but he’s not a drunk and he wasn’t drinking at all that day.”

The Toronto Sun did question some of Ernest’s relatives and neighbourhood acquaintances. They found that all agreed with and supported Barbara’s evaluation of her husband.

Ernest accompanied by Sun staff returned to the location of his strange sighting in March of 1979. The cave’s entrance was located at the bottom of a narrow passageway between the building where he lived and the one next door. Together they found the remains of a cat, which was “half-buried in the tunnel.” The sad discovery reminded Ernest of “strange noises, like animals in pain,” that he had heard emanating from the tunnel prior to his frightening encounter.

Ernest showed the Sun reporter exactly where he saw the strange being. He stated, “The last I saw the creature it was heading off into the dark.” The passage seemed to drop down very quickly and go a long way back.

It was speculated that the tunnel in fact led to the sewer system and that the entranceway beside Ernest’s apartment was “an access point used by the creature to the surface.” Safety concerns promoted Toronto’s Sewer Department to thoroughly inspect the tunnel as it was feared that area children may in fact try to enter it.

Ernest’s story was very strange; however sewage employees did not ridicule or scoff at it according to the report made by The Toronto Sun at that time. 

One worker who was quoted in the paper stated, “People who work on the surface just don’t know what it’s like down there. It’s a whole different world. Who would have thought a few years ago that people would live in sewers, and yet that’s what they found in New York a few years back. Another was quoted as saying, “I don’t know what Ernest saw down there.” He also stated, “I’ll tell you one thing. If we could get in there, I sure as hell wouldn’t want to go down alone.”

It’s is interesting to note that the description of the creature provided by Ernest and an artist’s rendering which was included in the original Toronto Sun article resemble some current reports of another strange creature - the South American Chupacabara.     


The Sunday Sun - March 25th, 1979

I will always fondly remember and be indebted to the late Larry Fenwick who was the founder of the Canadian UFO Research Network- CUFORN for generously providing me with a copy of the newspaper article along with many other stories and reports.

This is an edited version of an article I wrote for my website the ParaResearchers of Ontario and originally published here

This article also appeared in the February 2024 edition of AP Magazine 

Wednesday 6 December 2023

They died because they were women

December 6th is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in Canada. Established in 1991 by the Parliament of Canada this day marks the anniversary of the murders in 1989 of 14 young women who were engineering students at l'École Polytechnique de Montréal. Their killer was a  violent misogynist as is evidenced in his ranting.  

We must never forget. They died because they were women.

Geneviève Bergeron

Hélène Colgan

Nathalie Croteau

Barbara Daigneault

Anne-Marie Edward

Maud Haviernick

Maryse Laganière

Maryse Leclair

Anne-Marie Lemay

Sonia Pelletier

Michèle Richard

Annie St-Arneault

Annie Turcotte

Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz

Every year I make a social media post of remembrance, but for some this year it is seemingly being censored. Maybe there is a word or phrase that the bots don't like? So I have decided to share my thoughts, remembrance, anger and grief here in my blog. 

I am adding the name and face of Giulia Cecchettin to the list of women. 

Giulia was a 22 year old Università di Padova engineering student and artist who was murdered by an obsessive ex-boyfriend on November 11th of this year. She had been planning her graduation party when she was attacked, kidnapped and killed. Her killer is a fellow engineering student  and he was reportedly angry that she was graduating ahead of him. Her kidnapping and murder has been front page news here in Italy for weeks now. And I see the parallel of the crimes committed against the female engineering students in Montreal and Giulia despite being separated by over three decades. Giulia Cecchettin was laid to rest by her family yesterday with over 10,000 supporters in attendance.  Her father and sister eloquently spoke out for change in the wake of this horrific tragedy. 

Gender-based violence must be stopped. Violence against women and girls is a human rights violation. In over thirty years nothing has really changed despite new laws that are not fully enforced. Every day women all over our world are killed because they are women, mostly by their intimate partners or ex-partners and other men who are close to them. 

Giulia was the 84th victim of femicide in my adopted home this year. 

She was not the last. 

#violenzasulledonne #violenceagainstwomen 

Sunday 2 July 2023

The following video is a recreation of a UFO sighting I had with a friend. I write about this sighting in my book Cosmic Witch and I refer to it as part of an initiation into magick. It was immense, intimidating, terrifying and life changing.   

Thank you so much to Fin Handley for helping to recreate what I have difficulty sometimes putting into words. The narration is me and will give you  a taste of what it is like to witness something so extraordinary and outside of our known reality. 

I would love to hear from anyone else who has had a similar experience. You can reach out here or through any of my socials. 

Friday 23 December 2022

Mother Moon Synchronicity


Home. In 2019 I moved to Bologna Italy from my birth home Toronto, Canada. One of the things I brought with me was this calendar featuring the art of Betty Albert a Cree artist that I am very much drawn to. I also brought some prints and a couple of magnets featuring her artwork. They inspire and  comfort, a reminder of my birth place. 

Fast forward to Summer 2022 and after three very long years I am finally able to return to Canada for a visit and be with family. I also made a couple of new friends along the way. 

One of those new friends is Lee. We bonded over lemon treats, tarot and magic things, and when I returned to Italy I was determined to stay in touch with her so I sent her a postcard expressing my happiness that we had a chance to meet and hoped our paths would cross again. 

Winter Solstice 2022. I dont know what inspired me, but last week I took out the 2019 calendar  pictured above with Betty Albert's artwork and decided I would frame one. It was something random, and maybe I had thought of it before, but this was the day I did it. 

Approximately one hour later the doorbell rings and the postal carrier hands me a package from Lee! 

Its always exciting to get an unexpected surprise in the mail, but when I opened it I was floored. Inside was a Betty Albert print very similar to the one I just had framed. You can see it on the left. Lee had written that she had bought it a year before and when going through some things she saw it again and decided to send it to me. She had no idea I loved this artist, nor knew I collected her artwork, and certainly could not know it would arrive the very day I fished out the old calendar from storage so I could frame a print. 

Thank you Lee and Betty Albert for this wonderful mother moon magic. I am not sure what it means, but it is a lovely reminder that no matter how far away I will always be connected to Home.  


Monday 12 December 2022

Crow Magic


In the heart of the Bolognese Mountains well hidden among very tall and old pine trees, is a seemingly abandoned mansion. The property is close to my home, but it was only in the past year that we discovered it by taking an alternative route through the winding mountain roads. And ever since I first laid eyes on the place I have been drawn to it, coming up with reasons to drive past even when it is the longer way to wherever.

This place has horror movie charm +++ yet I have always felt very peaceful there. Of course we’ve stopped by and had a look around safely from the outdoors as the place is in a state of heavy decay. Which is very sad considering it was built in the 1800s by one of the area’s most famous and eccentric characters. Count Cesare Mattei was an inventor who created a medical therapy: electrohomeopathy. This made the nobleman quite rich and he lived in a castle very close to where the abandoned mansion is located. The mansion was built as a place for medical and spiritual refugee and many of European super-rich sought private treatment there. It looks to have been abandoned for several years. 

Fast forward to Halloween 2022 and we are driving past the mansion. For some reason either because I was lost in thoughts or more likely chattering away about something I missed seeing the place as we had drove by. I realized this after we had passed and were higher up on the mountain, so my husband who was driving said there is no way you should miss your abandoned villa on Halloween and turned the car around. 

This time around I purposefully took a long look at the mansion when I saw above the main doorway a very large, and I mean an abnormally large crow standing on the ledge above the doorway. It was shuffling about and moving its wings as if ready to take flight. My mind went to she will swoop out in front of the car. It happened so quickly and as my mind was processing what I was seeing my husband said I thought I just saw a very large black bird moving around on the ledge above the doorway. And of course I was amazed that he saw her too! 

Some might think we saw the Goddess Morrigan or a cryptid or that we both had a bad case of pareidolia caused by the black casing of the floodlight near the door. We did go back two days later to investigate and noted the placement of the light. But if it was a trick of the eye why had this never happened before? 

Halloween is my husband’s birthday; the beginning of Samhain season, for some witches the ending and beginning of a new year. It is the season most associated with the Goddess Morrigan many a witch's patron diety. 

We were called to that place and even turned around specifically to witness the beautiful impossibly large black crow, a good omen, and reminder that our world is indeed a mysterious place. 

Blessed are the witches! 

"Wherever crows are, there is magic. They are symbols of creation and spiritual strength. They remind us to look for opportunities to create and manifest the magic of life. They are messengers calling to us about the creation and magic that is alive within our world everyday and available to us."  

~Ted Andrews

                                                               Blessed Samhain xo

Image Credits

With the exception of the photos of the mansion which are mine, excluding the drone image which I found uncredited on an internet search, the crow is from Wiki and the Witch image from TUMBLR. I do try to give credit to original creators whenever possible.